Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching services available via Skype or Zoom
I also offer a free 30 minute consultation by phone so as to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have, and with no obligation for you to continue further.
Guiding you
on your journey
to empowerment
Welcome to my Intuitive & Creative Healing Website
Hello and thank you for visiting my website.
The intuitive and creative healing process incorporates various modalities, which may include Counselling; Holistic Healing; Hypnotherapy: Life Coaching - for each of which I am fully qualified.
Working with these modalities, the healing journey is guided by both practitioner and client. This journey focuses on bringing about the necessary changes which will help you to achieve a far more enjoyable and better quality of life.
The process also focuses on identifying and making the necessary commitments which will enable you to establish and maintain a steady momentum throughout the areas of connection, community and having fun!
Healing Modalities
It is also possible to combine any of these methods of healing
If you are struggling to deal with difficult emotional or feeling states, the healing process of counselling can help focus on identifying, and making changes to, any of the thought processes which are at the root of these states.
Issues for which I am able to assist in enabling an effective healing process include:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME
Low Self Confidence
Low Self Esteem
Mid Life Crisis
Panic Attacks
Passive Aggressive Behaviour
Performance Anxiety
Relationship Issues
Social Anxieties or Shyness
Parts Work
Parts Work is an intervention or process which can be incorporated within counselling.
Various psychological and spiritual disciplines have explored the concept that we are made up of many parts. Aspects known as 'subpersonalities' or 'subselves' are usually formed early in life as forms of protection or as ways of helping us to cope.
A process of dis-identification leads us towards letting go of the control which a part, or parts, could have over us, and this process involves moving towards our centre of awareness.
The identification of a part can begin when noticing the words "part of me" in a dialogue - e.g. "part of me really wants this, but another part of me finds it frightening". The process of exploring these parts is sometimes fun, is always insightful and can be extremely rewarding and ultimately empowering.
Hypnotherapy focuses on bringing about positive changes, at a subconscious level, to our thoughts, our feelings and therefore ultimately our behaviour.
This process takes place through making the conscious mind relax, so that the subconscious can be more easily accessed. Positive suggestions can then be made while the client is in a state of relaxation.
Issues for which Hypnotherapy can be especially helpful include:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME
Creative Blocks
Low Self Confidence
Low Self Esteem
Passive Aggressive Behaviour
Performance Anxiety
Relationship Issues
Social Anxieties or Shyness
A single session may be all that is required to remove or shift any 'blockage' in connection with an emotional issue, and this process can lead to experiencing one's desired change, or changes, in behaviour.
Experiencing Hypnotherapy can also lead to enjoying feeling more relaxed, grounded and alert.
Hypnotherapy can also be incorporated as part of ongoing Counselling or even Life Coaching, and all Hypnotherapy sessions include an element of Counselling.
A Hypnotherapy session lasts for up to 1 hour.
Life Coaching
Whether or not you know what you want out of life, making a commitment to Life Coaching enables a process which ultimately leads you to realising your dreams.
Life Coaching focuses on both your personal and professional life and works towards removing any obstacles you may be encountering and setting appropriate goals.
A holistic approach to Life Coaching allows for a broad perspective, and with particular emphasis on identifying and interpreting occurrences of synchronicites.
The process will enable you to gain a greater level of authenticity, leading towards increased happiness and fulfilment. The opportunities to refocus and gain an increased level of self-knowing and self-understanding can lead to you enjoying a vastly improved quality of life.
An initial session lasts 90 minutes and is usually followed by a further five weekly sessions, each lasting 30 to 55 minutes (this duration is likely to be established after the first session).